Effects of kratom on relationship

I’m getting ready to quit kratom for good. I’ve been trying to taper but keep hitting a wall so am going to stop with the plan of a ketamine infusion program and support. I know some people here don’t approve of this method and I respect that, and I’m not asking for anything on that, just giving background for my question. I will go in on a week from Monday. I already have the time off work, and I have supplements ready to go. I will start ramping up the vitamin c over the weekend. If I still get hit with substantial wd symptoms I will continue the quit. My GF has graciously agreed to stay with me for the first week and help with the wd.

The question I have is has anyone experienced a lot of impact on their relationship(s) from kratom? For me, it takes me from numb at times to emotionally labile where I get so angry I have broken up with my GF over things that seem monumental at the time, but then later seems like it was the kratom and I really do have deep feelings for her. When I taper and get to a new low and feel more like myself I feel the love I have for her even more and know I want to be with her always (I’m older btw, early 60s; young at heart and fortunately physically healthy except for what the kratom has done).

I have broken up with her multiple times to ask for us to get back together and she was almost done with it until I talked frankly about the role I think kratom plays. She is aware I take it and since it’s not recreational (started taking it for pain, now take it to avoid withdrawal but don’t “party”, etc.) she has said she thought for a long time the kratom was the culprit.

I think it would help to hear that others have experienced this. Has anyone almost lost their relationship only to realize how important it is and/or how in love they are with someone but mucked it up because of the kratom?

(I would quit earlier but I have one of my kiddos half time and next week she is here, and I needed advance notice for work. I can’t wait until quit day. I feel like I’m swallowing poison every time I dose and I’m deathly afraid of the Jekyl/Hyde effect and hope I can keep my shit together long enough to not fuck up my relationship until I can quit. My girl is amazing, man, like really an angel and I’m so lucky to have her)