Is my preference for smooth foods about how they taste or feel?

So I have this thing where I love smooth and even-textured foods like different porridges, soups, smoothies, milkshakes, custards, nutritional shakes etc. You name it. I eat something pureed or smooth almost every day. If it were up to me, sometimes I’d just like to blend all of my veggies and fruits to chug as a drink. That way I could be healthier and get all of my daily servings of fruit and veggies because otherwise I usually won't eat vegetables that much in particular.

Now it might be worth mentioning that I'm aware that I have sensory issues with food. I don't like, for example, yoghurts with pieces of fruit or food in general with lots of different textures that don't fit together to my liking. I also hate when different textures/consistencies touch each other on my plate and if, for example, ketchup is put on top of my food and not on the side. This whole side of me has been present my entire life. These certain food habits and "rituals" have followed me into adulthood.

Also, please don't get me wrong—I enjoy "real" foods as well. I do love food in all its forms and I'm not living off only liquids. This is just a side of me that confuses me and that is the very problem. I haven't encountered people like me before. I'm starting to get concerned about myself because I don't think this behaviour is typical for an average adult. I have been ashamed because of this and there have been times when I haven't felt I can be completely honest with people about my eating habits. I'm embarrassed by this and I need help. My question might be dumb, but I'd still appreciate answers. Thank you all in advance! :) <3