[SERIOUS] What's the rebuttal to people who function absolutely normally but are sexual deviants, coomers, perverse, etc.?

I’ve experienced the positive effects of semen retention firsthand. Even after just three weeks, life genuinely feels like being on a river that's guiding you to the right destination.

My question, then, is why the lack of semen retention doesn’t seem to affect successful, famous, wealthy, or esteemed individuals who are often revealed to be perverse and/or genuinely sick human beings.

I’m trying to understand the role of semen retention in a man's life and, after observing various despicable individuals who don't retain and still achieve success, I’ve come to the conclusion that semen retention is simply just one of many paths to Self-Realization—and that's it. For comparison, other paths would include meditation, traditional yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, among others.

When it comes to material, worldly, or transient success, semen retention doesn’t appear to be a significant factor in directly achieving that success (I'm sure there are indirect benefits).

Even in relationships and attracting women, I don’t believe semen retention is relevant and the only reason that it seems so is possibly due to the fact that during prolonged periods of abstinence, we shed the shame and judgment we’ve held about ourselves, becoming more present than ever (I have another hypothesis that the absence of foreskin may also contribute to this effect, but I lack the evidence to prove it, so I won’t pursue it further.) This heightened presence is what attracts women and can remain even after releasing. It’s simply a matter of letting go of all the negative emotions and accumulated baggage associated with our negative relationship with sexuality in all our understanding of it.

I’m open to feedback and willing to engage in a discussion about my perspective. I’ve observed enough evidence to support my viewpoint but I’m eager to learn from others’ insights.