perspective change / more commitment post-Wet Dream ?

Hard to explain - but I had the strangest occurence - searchin around this and related subs it seems this happens to ppl often - wet dream exactly at day 60.
Completely involuntary and happened during sleep. I was frustrated for part of the day, spent time on reddit reading others experiences of the same and how they adjusted. I found as the day has progressed my perspective shifted from being frustrated about the wet dream, to being strangely proud of how my own body has begun competing with me. It motivates me further.

I have read about others' practices/exercises that they use to counter wet-dreams, I've not found any to work for me just yet. But I also imagine there is reward in in consistent effort much like anything else. I've only tried exercises/practices for a month at most.

For those wondering - the 'benefits' remain intact - and perhaps even amplified.

And for those that have experienced similar nightfalls - use it to motivate you further and to re-connect with your bigger purpose/reason why.