Feel like a pup parent fail
Anyone else had their vet ask them whether you train your dog?!
I feel like a pup parent failure, took puppers to vet today because he has been excessively licking himself (apparently the culprit is a low level allegern) and at the end of my conversation with the vet he asked me if I train my golden retriever puppy who is 5 months old because he is so excitable (he was bouncing all over the place, jumping up to greet etc.) The little guy was running into the vets office he was such a keen bean 😂 but the way the vet said it made me feel like a flop - I’ve been putting in time and effort to train puppers ever day, he just gets super excited over new people and dog. I’m trying to work on his jumping and now cross the road if I see people coming towards us as literally every passerby wants to pet him even when I ask them not too because he is jumping 🙄
Sorry for the vent - it’s just when the vet said the breed is so trainable you should be taking him to classes - in my head I was thinking no shit Sherlock, you’ve literally made me feel like I’ve put in no effort to train him to date 😩
Sigh I think I just feel worse because it’s the vet who said it and probably sees dozens of well behaved puppies a day