Can I study psychology if I have unmedicated ADHD?
Im 19F, I have unmedicated ADHDand I study graphic design in university currently but I want to switch majors because Im not sure it’s what I want as a career. I’ve always wanted to study art since I was a kid and studied accordingly Aka I barely passed classes and my grades are bad largely due to my ADHD so I focused more on getting good at art. But now that I study it academically I feel like im not enjoying it so I decided to switch to psychology, which has always been my interest but I never pursued it because I didn’t think I had the ability to study it.
I’m afraid that i might feel the same way I did about graphic design but with psychology. That it might just be a hyperfixation and when I study it I’ll regret it because I genuinely can’t study well. But I don’t wanna end up with a career I don’t like…
Is it possible to study something as heavy as psychology when youre an unmedicated? Any advice for my situation? (Edit: sorry for any weird sentence phrasing, English is not my first language )