Looking for a PM tool with robust (two-way) time tracking and daily timesheet functionality—suggestions
Hi all,
I am looking for some advice/suggestions about implementation of new project management software that integrates well with clockify or similar time tracking apps.
What we want to achieve?
Currently our PM consists of entering time tracking into clockify per each employee daily. Meaning - each employee will look at the PM/kanban software of our choice (we tried OpenProject, Planner, etc.). There all tasks per each project are listed with some unique id that identifies each task. Then, employee will take the name and ID of that task and after working on it from 10 am till 11:30 am this time entry is entered into clockify with description of that task (e.g. #101 - Developing some feature ). In some cases it is possible that multiple employees will work on same task so we would need to be able to sum all the work performed by all employees for a given task. This is important for us because we usually have a dedicated max time for each task meaning we require this task is done in lets say 50 man/hours. Currently we do manage to somehow keep everything under control by using tags (backend, frontend, ...), assigning project to each entry etc. but it is starting to be hard to sum up all the entries per each task. So our goal would be to be able to write all the tasks at the start of the project, ideally add maximum amount of time proposed for a given task, and finally some kind of view/report that would enable us to track spent time and have an easier management of tasks running late or going over budget (over appointed max time).
What we tried?
We tried using Jira integration with clockify. This does somewhat work but it seems it is only one-way integration with clockify meaning that if we log some time in Jira it will be synced to clockify, the task and project will appear in clockify but what bothers us is if we continue to track the same task in clockify this spent time wont be transfered back to Jira. This means we would still need to take the sum of tracked time and manually transfer it to Jira.
Could you provide me with some suggestions to solve this issue? We have looked at many PM solutions but our impression is that what ever we try it seems to have option to enter the amount of time spent per day instead of time-sheet like format where each employee would be able to enter time spent on daily basis. We usually use 15 minutes format and our workday is 7 hours. That means we want to be able to fill in a time-sheet for every single day from 8am to 15pm and what tasks were worked on during this period. Ideally the task would be auto suggested by this PM software just like clockify does it (although clockify will auto suggest tasks based on recent entries). Finally, when time is logged into software this software shall be able to collect all entries daily/monthly/... and give us an insight about time spent per each task and if possible by epic/project or what ever the format is used to organize the tasks into.
Can you suggest some kind of a solution that would help us solve this problem?
PS. We are not strictly tied to Clockify or any other software. We would be open to completely transition to another system altogether but we really like how intuitive Clockify is for time tracking.