How to realistically prevent people looting my stuff?

Assume we're in a situation where law and order starts to break down, whether due to political unrest, climate, war, whatever.

Assume that I have prepared well but others around me have not. E.g., I have 5 acres, off grid solar, and therefore heat, light, water from the well, ability to charge whatever I need, etc. I have canned food and gardens and others don't. I have tools, fuel reserves, and key replacement parts, and others don't.

Assume it is just me, my significant other, plus two dogs.

How on earth do I realistically protect all of this in a SHTF scenario? Please temper any instinctive responses like "buy a shit load of guns!" I have a few firearms and practice with them often. But what I am concerned with is, there are two of us and we will need to sleep. How will we ever stand a chance against anyone, let alone many people, who want what we have?

Besides sleeping in perpetual shifts, inviting strangers into our home to join a commune and have more people to keep watch, what am I supposed to do?

My neighbor's are all elderly hermits, so not much use in keeping watch or helping. Should I make the house look abandoned and maintain strict light /noise discipline to fly under the radar? Invest in a large fence? Perimeter alarms? All of these seem somewhat impractical and I'm looking for more sensible ideas I've overlooked.