The bread and milk run insanity with generators

Central Kentucky

So it has happened again.

The weather in my area is supposed to get horrible over the next few days, more than likely another typical ice storm we have every 10 years or so.

And in typical fashion, the stores have been emptied by panic buying.

I was making a Walmart order. Not anything last minute- normal stuff. But I was ordering in large industrial garbage bags for delivery and was planning a fruit and fresh veggie pickup for my father-in-law. Just basic restocking since we would be in town anyway picking up cat food.

And pickup was first showing 1pm then.... NEXT TUESDAY EVENING!

My father in law said that Harbor Freight had signs up that they were out of generators. Harbor Freight said they usually get all of the generators returned as soon as it thaws.

The insanity is real.

But apparently next week will be a really good time to buy a gently used generator at Harbor Freight.