Post Helene Debriefing

Still contemplating how quickly things got weird. No power , no phone, no police, one gun fight possibly a mile away. Different semi auto firearms as close as I could tell. Experimented with not eating, except one half to one clif bar daily , coffee, water, and cigarettes, and peanut butter. Was wanting to drop some stomach fat. About 2 weeks, lost almost 8 pounds. Did do light workout with weights. Tried to exhaust myself, so I could sleep good. Had lots of time to think about shtf, and if I could manage it. Realized I don’t know what I could eat in the forest. Without giving a lot of location details, it’s Southeast GA. Asked a few people,what you can eat out of the forest. Asked one guy at LGS, if he knew what you could eat out of the forest. Nobody I asked could suggest , even one item you could subsist on. Throwing this out there for discussion. Ask people you know that question. Be curious seeing results.