Graduated! Positive induction, no pitocin
Can’t believe I’m here! Healthy baby girl born this week. Induced at 40+3 for low fluid, and consistently borderline too small baby. I was super anti induction initially but it became clear it was the safest choice.
Went in at 1cm dilated and 50% effaced— I’d done everything (everything) to get into labor on my own the previous 2 weeks, nothing.
Got the lowest dose of oral cytotek, started contacting. Then a second dose, contracting a lot and painfully. That was the last augmentation I needed, it kicked my body into continuing labor on its own! Labored for 12 hours, in the tub and all around, then got an epidural, rested for a few hours, then pushed for an hour while having jovial conversation with my OB and nurse!
And good thing we got her out because she was way smaller than expected and my waters had apparently been broken for an unknown amount of time! She needed to come out.
Just wanted to say inductions have a rightful place and are sometimes (often) really good experiences. All the best to all of you who want or need to be induced soon!