Husband looking for tips and advice

Hello there.

My (M35) wife (32F) is 15 weeks pregnant of a little boy. We are very happy and excited. Due date is July 8! I skimmed through the sub to find any similar thread, but could not find any. So hopefully it is okay for me to ask here for some tips and advice. Basically, this is what I am asking you, moms: what did your partner do during and/or after your pregnancy that helped? What do you wish they had done differently? I am looking for any kind of tips or advice, any recommendation. Is there any book you would recommend us/me reading? I just want to be a few steps ahead.

She was quite nauseated and exhausted all the time during the first trimester, but she seems to be doing way better now, thankfully. As for me, as an ICU nurse, let's simply say that body fluids don't easily gross me out. I am used to changing diapers (on grown up adults though, but they can also sometimes be screaming and fighting). I have some dusty knowledge about maternity and obstetrics, but that's definitely not my domain of expertise. Definitely not.

Thank you!