Husband offers me no support and I’m 38w pregnant
My husband says the most horrendously mean things to me. I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I don’t want this man around me or my child. I don’t want him at the hospital. He told me last night before bed that he hopes I don’t cry too much or “make a scene” when I go into labor. Like who the fuck says that. It was completely out of the blue and I don’t get the way he thinks or the way he sees me. Make a scene? I haven’t said a peep this whole pregnant about the uncomfortable nights, the heart burn that feels like fire. He demeans me constantly. Tells me if I have the baby before 40 weeks I was doing something wrong and the baby won’t be as strong. He is so uneducated about all the shit he says it infuriates me.
I don’t want him at the hospital when I deliver. I think his energy will just make me depressed and feel worthless.
Everything I say or do is wrong. I can’t even have a phone call with my friend of 20+ years without it offending him.
He calls me a user and worthless because I’m not working in the last few months of my pregnancy. I had a sip of his coffee this morning because I made it with cinnamon for him and wanted to try it - he snapped at me saying I was a selfish pig just had to take his coffee instead of making more. Literally one little sip - Like how the fuck does his brain come up with these evil things to say - I don’t get it. I truly think he hates me inside.
He tells me I would have had a baby with anybody he’s not special. We have been together for 10 years. Baby with anybody? It’s only been him for the last decade and we planned our pregnancy. It’s so fucking painful my heart literally aches. I don’t know why he is so awful towards me.
All he cares about is how we look to our family, friends, neighbors - a stranger at the store for fucks sake. He wants it all so perfect for everyone else and I’m at home dying having to be put thru this emotional turmoil.
I don’t want to call my parents and break down to them that I can’t do this anymore but it is starting to feel like I’m out of options.
I scared to bring our daughter into this house. It’s toxic I can’t stand the energy when he acts like this. Im feeling so lost right now, so alone. I can’t even be excited about the birth of my child because I’m hiding in our room trying to avoid him at all costs. I just feeling so hopeless.
I just really needed to vent.