Currently miscarrying I believe🥺

** Edit to add update - went to my follow up OB appt today. Still no for sure answers, did another HCG test and will get that back in two days or sooner. My bleeding hasn’t been as heavy as a normal period, and now on day 3 I’m not bleeding that much. Doc didn’t mention miscarriage at all and seemed more hopeful than we even are. So back to waiting for answers. First the two week wait for a positive, then between the ER the other day, waiting for todays appointment and still having no answers has us both feeling very inpatient. Hope to have good news for you mamas in a few days. Wish us luck!

Original - Woke up in bed at 2AM to horrible pain on right hip. I thought maybe I had favored the side too much and was just sore, but went to pee & seeing clots and blood at 5 weeks. Became super pale, could barely stand and was extremely nauseous.

At ER now as I write this. We’re heart broken, it is our first pregnancy. Per the doctor, my HCG is still within the levels it should, but the internal ultrasound didn’t show much to go off of. I’ll have to follow up with OB in a few days and redo each test to really confirm if I am indeed miscarrying.

My heart has never hurt in such a way before mamas. 💔