I just figured out the best baby shower gift ever

My sister is close to 9 months pregnant and so over this. Her baby shower is tomorrow and due to the exhaustion of my own early pregnancy, I flaked on getting her a gift until now.....

I'm making her a go into labor basket!

So far what I have is:

-raspberry leaf tea



-cumin for cumin tea

-licorice (not prior to 2 days before due date)

-a homemade coupon for raw papaya salad (not prior to 2 days before due date)

-a jar of indian garlic pickle

  • lavender massage oil because lavender smells nice and her husband can give her a nice rub since she's super miserable right now

Items not to be included because in my research I found out they are bad/unhealthy:

-castor oil (gives the fetus the shits in utero)

-evening primrose (blood thinner -> chance of hemorrhage)

-spicy foods (she's had heartburn for 6 months already)

-cohosh (could cause fetal heart failure)

I would love to hear any more suggestions to put in my basket! And/or reasons why I should disinclude anything I put on the list.