Wife gave birth via emergency C-section and is now in the ICU.

My heart is ripping apart right now. After a gruelling 12 hour labour with everything that could go wrong going wrong, my wife had complications which lead to an emergency c section for our first born.

After our beautiful daughter was born, my wife had a post partum hemmorage as well as blood clots due to a hidden infection from when her waters broke. She lost almost all of her own blood and has been filled with endless transfusions and is now in a medically induced coma. She is stable for now but won't know if she's okay for good till tomorrow. I can't believe this is fucking happening to me. My wife is the most loving soul I've ever seen walk this planet.

Our daughter is completely healthy and adorable and I've shared some amazing skin to skin and have got to feed her multiple times but this waiting game is tearing me apart.

Sleeping in the hospital tonight waiting for the news.

I don't wish this on any man or women ever.

Just an update:

First of all, thank you everyone for your kind words last night. It really helped me sleep I think. My wife woke up a few hours ago in generally good condition! She can't open her eyes or talk yet but I've been talking with her all morning making her laugh and smile. We got our beautiful baby Riley in an hour ago for some lovely skin to skin with mum which made us both cry.

Her blood count dropped a little over night so they need to keep an eye on her for the day to makesure she isn't still bleeding and then after that we should be in the clear.

Hoping for the best, thanks again for everyone's kind words❤️