Poutine - Bistro 3R Québec

3R Québec is an NPO in Gatineau which is specialized in recuperating waste from grocery store and other establishments. They've opened a small restaurant a few weeks ago that sells good food made from recuperated ingredients.

Cost me 5 dollars total (drink included. Also, I had a discount of 1$ for doing voluntary work in their organism), but was way worth it compared to poutine from more costly shops that don't even taste as good. No the greatest poutine ever, but definitely worth the try if you're in the area. However, availability of any products may varied from day to day.

3R Québec is an NPO in Gatineau which is specialized in recuperating waste from grocery store and other establishments. They've opened a small restaurant a few weeks ago that sells good food made from recuperated ingredients.

Cost me 5 dollars total (drink included. Also, I had a discount of 1$ for doing voluntary work in their organism), but was way worth it compared to poutine from more costly shops that don't even taste as good. No the greatest poutine ever, but definitely worth the try if you're in the area. However, availability of any products may varied from day to day.