Transfer worth it?

Debating on a transfer and not sure how to proceed.

Where I am at currently I’m at 63.5k a year and have gotten a handful of trainings, made the swat team, and am now an instructor and FTO just 2 years in. Should be at almost 70k jan 2025

I debated this transfer and started this process before all of those opportunities but the transfer would be going from a road patrol deputy to a city cop. The new job would be at around 80k now with 20k transfer bonus and raise to 88k jan 2025.

My current commute is 6 minutes. My new commute would be around 50 minutes. The city is also a very liberal city and has a large homeless issue, so much so that the parking garage at the pd is full of feces and buckets of feces.

Is more shit (literally) worth the extra drive, 20k raise and 20 transfer bonus (taxed).
