PS5 Slow Download Speeds (Since Latest Update?)
I recently noticed in the last week or so that my PS5 download speeds has dropped dramatically, down from 40–50mbps to 2mbps if I'm lucky. I've tried everything I possibly can: resetting the router and modem, restarting my PS5 a hundred times, even port forwarding from my router, per Sony's instructions. I've been over every guide, and haven't found a single fix that's been useful.
I haven't moved my modem/router setup or my PS5 ever so this sudden drop in speed isn't because there's a new wall in the way or something, and I've never had to connect a LAN cable before to get decent internet. No other device in my house has been affected by the slowdown (in fact, speeds have gotten a little bit better since I restarted my router 😄).
This issue popped up at roughly the same time as the new update was rolled out, and I only thing I can possibly think of is that this is what's suddenly killing my connection speeds. I haven't been able to find a single post anywhere else of someone with the same issue though, and I would have thought they'd be everywhere on this site if it was a widespread issue. Is it really just me? What can I do to try and fix it?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions <3
tldr; PS5 download speeds have suddenly collapsed since the new update, don't know why and none of the usual/obvious fixes seem to be working.