My Wife caught me taking care of myself

My Wife(35F) and I (35M) have been together for 15 years total. We both grew up in Christian households. We both don’t really have a high sex drive. We recently just had our second child a little of two month ago. So we obviously haven’t had relations for some time, and I completely understand that. I have being showing affection and being flirty with her, but she just gave birth not to long ago so I am going to push the issue of having sex. She also is breastfeeding so she doesn’t really want to be touched right now due that. And I totally get that. So all that being said. She recently caught me taking care of myself, she got upset and left the room crying. I am at a loss. I can’t take care of my needs without my wife being upset and we can’t have sex because she isn’t ready/we don’t have any alone time to be able to do that. It is just a lose lose situation. Y’all niggas gotta help me out fr 🤦🏻‍♂️