[US,US] [H] Paypal [W] Specific singles and (Alt)AR/(S)IR cards

Hello! I’m seeking the following modern singles (NM), offering Paypal. If you have them, pictures would be appreciated. Would also prefer to buy multiple cards from one seller if possible.

  • GG from Crown Zenith: Glaceon Vstar, Suicune V, Entei V, Lumineon V, Zamazenta V, Keldeo, Latias, Manaphy, and Pikachu (edit, GG30 not Secret Rare)
  • Chi-Yu ex SAR from Paldean Evolved
  • Charizard VSTAR SWSH262 promo
  • Charmander Obsidian Flames ETB promo (edit, not Pokemon Center)
  • Kingdra and Greninja ex Shrouded Fable promos
  • Dedenne GX promo
  • Lugia Break XY
  • Celebi XY promo

Also interested in browsing (alt) art / (special) illustration rare lists if you have lots. Open to both EN and JP cards though I’d like to get my listed wants in EN.

Thanks for stopping by!