What Happened?

I Stopped playing Piggy around the 3rd chapter of Piggy book 2. I came back and then and I saw the ability change, I wasn't the biggest fan but honestly speaking I don't mind it, I came back for the paranormal Christmas update and, using items now removes time?! When did this happen? Who asked for this? I didn't ask for this! Was it you Timmy?

It's stupid, that's it it's stupid. The point of the timer was to punish campers, if you sit in a vent the whole round you lose. that's it, that's the point. But now PROGRESSING through the map hurts you?! It's so dumb, There's no reason for it, somebody explain the thought process because it's dumb, there's no reason for it.

If it was only during that map, considering the extra time, you could probably add some lore reason considering the headset, and ok fine, cool little gimmick, the extra time makes sense then too. But NORMAL MAPS TOO? Again, WHO ASKED FOR THIS? WHY HAVE THIS?

I swear once it got went corporate the game got worse, is that just me?

EDIT: a Really nice commenter pointed out it talks about the season timer, not the in-game timer, I still think the way they did it was stupid,

Giant Timer up top, use item. -15 seconds? Must mean the giant timer.

maybe remove the pop-up, there’s no need to have it, but I give grace back to Minitoon, they didn’t wreck the game entirely like I thought. Post coming soon bout the decay chapter, just got through it after coming back, pretty fun aside from the gun enemy type