Phenibut hcl nausea help

Hey, so about a year ago I started experimenting with phenibut mainly to help with social anxiety and it worked great, I was dosing about 2-3 grams of phenibut hcl every couple days and never really had any issues with nausea. I recently came back to phenibut and switched to faa and had great success, was still dosing around 2-3grams, and still no nausea. I then switched back to hcl and that’s when the issues started, I believe it has to do with dosage as I’ve been doing a lot more than I usually do. First day I took about 3 grams felt fine, then later that night I took another 3 grams to sleep. The next morning I only dosed around 2 grams to help with anxiety at work, then about 6 hours later I redosed about 1.5 grams. Immediately after about 2 hours I vomited. The next day I realized maybe I’m doing too much and cut it way down and just did 1 gram for the day, but still threw up about 10 hours after the 1 gram dose. I’m assuming that I just took too much in those 3 days but I’m not sure why I’m getting this sick as I’ve done over 5 grams of hcl in the past and never got this sick. I always take this stuff with food also, and I know my doses are pretty heavy but I’m about 230lb and that’s the dose where I actually feel it working, but I’m willing to cut it down if I need to. I only take this stuff for anxiety at work and never really use it for longer than 3 days in a row. I’ve read up on the acidity of hcl being higher than faa, so should I just switch back to faa? Not really sure what to do as I don’t want to drop this substance, it really is a miracle drug for anxiety. My sources are also different, so it could be that as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.