A Note of Appreciation for Considerate Drivers

This morning while walking my 5-month-old daughter to help her sleep, I had an experience that made me really appreciate all the thoughtful drivers out there. To those who ease off the gas when passing families, who give that little wave and patient smile at crosswalks, who understand that a sleeping baby is a gift - thank you!

Unfortunately, I literally had the exact opposite of this happen this morning. And as I'm waiting at the pedestrian crossing, a bloke in his 4x4 ute at the red light infront of me is eye balling me as we both wait. And then as he gets the green light first decides to absolutely gun it, with a noise so loud it startles my daughter into a crying fit.

It's amazing how small acts of consideration stand out to me and when drivers take that extra moment to accelerate gently or wait those few extra seconds. It's not even about the noise that annoys me most. I carried on walking and got her back to sleep. It shows that we're all looking out for each other (or not in this case)

Let's celebrate the everyday heroes who make our streets feel more like a neighborhood and less like a racetrack!
