Taking out loans for college - is my plan bad?
Ive been attending a community college for electrical engineering. Ive been paying out of pocket with personal savings and received some help from my parents. I'll be transferring to a 4 year univeristy soon and estimate I'll need between 30 - 45k for tuition and books alone to wrap up my last 3 years.
I have about 24k in the bank, and make about $1850 a month working part time. After bills each month I'm left with nothing and sometimes have to pull from my savings.
With how intense my course load will be after I transfer there's no way I can work what I am right now (20 hours/week) I'm considering taking out additional loans for rent at some point, which is around $825 per month, and quitting my job.
In January of 2026 ill be considered an independent student and eligible for around $7500 in aid per year. (Right now I don't qualify for any financial aid besides $3500 in private loans) I'm set to graduate in spring of 2028.
My major is in pretty good demand given the job market, and starting salaries are typically between 75-80k.
Is this plan bad? I'd appreciate any advice