Should I loan 15K for a car?
Hello, Im 23, just finished Uni, got a decent job, making 800 euros/month after paying rent, utilities and food, and increasing every year, I sold my previous car that was causing me issues for 6000 euros, I signed up for a master degree which allows me to get a student loan worth 15K with 0% interest rate over 5 years , i can only use it for some things , like laptops , rent or buying a car as long as its not older than 5 years, I was thinking of borrowing the money and buying either a brand new car or a almost new car.
My plan is to pay 250 euros the first 4 months and put 250 euros separately in case i lose my job to have 4 months of payments secured, after which i wanna pay 500 euros a month.
Strictly speaking about this plan, is it a bad idea?