Paul is in block mode - why did Paul block you?

Paul the hypocrite, has made a statement on his insta, it seems that sending him pictures of his family has gone too far. I think he has forgotten the number of times that he has posted pictures of other people, he has the time to search Facebook as their Insta is private, we all remember our hero Gail.

Paul is now blocking everyone who calls him out, will block anyone liking people calling him out. Not sure what he going to do now on Insta, I thought his hobby was reponding to fik fuks. Maybe he could start stamp collecting.

I was being entertained on a tiktok repost of the insta post about his announcement, people were coming out with their reasons of being blocked. I got blocked for liking another persons comment on tiktok, the following are a couple of others which made me chuckle.

'' I got blocked me for asking if it was true it travels England searching for the lower side of glory holes in public toilets''

''He blocked me over a year ago for liking someone’s comment calling him billy bear ham''

So my question is why were you blocked, leave a comment!