Answer the Questions!!!!!

I am a Covid screener and I am tired of people disrespecting me for simply doing my job.

“To recap, the Ontario Government requires most Ontario businesses and organizations to implement particular workplace screening questions, requiring workers and essential visitors to complete a medical questionnaire before entering the workplace each day”

See Link Here

Believe me, the LAST thing I want to do be doing is screening you and asking you questions. Sadly, it’s my job. Please. I’m begging you. For the benefit of the both of us, please do not disagree, or argue, or interrupt or ask me to explain the reasoning behind the laws that were put in by our government. Please don’t tell me how you’re in a rush, and that it’s going to be my fault if you’re late to where you’re going. Please, just answer the THREE simple questions!! You’re only making it harder for the both of us, and you’re just wasting the both of our time. It’s only 30 seconds of YOUR day, and it’s 6-8 hours of MINE... All in all, big thanks to everyone who’s extremely nice and understand that I’m just doing my job. More often then not, people are really nice, it’s just some days are tough.

Lastly, if you have your vaccine, Congratulations! I absolutely love hearing that, but unfortunately it still means you have to answer all the questions. Any other screeners on here who maybe feel the same way and relate? Stay safe everyone and get your Jabs!

ps. I’m only 20 yrs old so I find I feel like I might picked on a bit extra. :/