I watched Emilia Perez tonight…
… And I really, really did not like it.
Karla and Zoe did… the best they could. I think they’d be smart to campaign Zoe as the lead and Karla as supporting, but neither feel like they should walk out with a trophy in hand. I think a nomination for either is generous enough, in all honesty.
SAID WITH LOVE- I am genuinely aghast that Selena Gomez’s wooden, awkward, clunky performance (and Spanish) has garnered any praise whatsoever. I cringed so hard with every line reading and at her performances; And I mean EVERY one from her! I don’t think her name should even be in the awards conversation.
The musical aspect took away so much from the film’s potential, as well. Forgettable songs that took away from the darker tones of this story.
Most upsetting, perhaps, is how this story made it seem like not a single trans person was in the writer’s room. Horrible representation that’s very detached from the livelihoods of its subject matter.
Overall… This one can fade into Netflixian obscurity. A strong 3/10 from me. I will never waste my time watching this again.