Good, somewhat stress-free options for 8-yr old bday party
I am planning a birthday party for my daughter who is turning 8. I am not looking to do anything over the top but also I want her to have fun and be happy. We live in Casselberry so want it to be somewhat close. Here is what we've considered: Chuck Chesse - She seems to be less fond of this idea than in the past. Monkey Joes: She said the monkey creeps her out. I could probably convince her otherwise if venue is worth it. Science Center: They have really cool packages but cost and guest limit may be an issue. Semeron Skateway: She just tried skating and is warming up to the idea but she is worried she won't skate well enough by February. Aww
Any ideas or experiences with these or other places to help me make a decision?
I would be so grateful. This is more stressful than my work projects!