How do license suspension affect insurance?

Hi so over the past 3 years I’ve gotten my license suspended twice for stunt driving. However, each time I was never convicted of stunt driving. 1st case got reduced to 29 over and second got completely dropped.

I’ve heard that suspensions drastically affect insurance however after my renewal with 1 suspension and the 29 over ticket my premium only went up about 40$ a month. My second renewal with 2 suspensions and the same ticket my premium was unchanged. To me it seems like the suspensions aren’t affecting the premium.

Is it possible that the suspensions aren’t taken into account since the charges I got suspended for were dropped ?

Edit: My broker told me that suspensions aren’t considered if the charge you got suspended for was dropped. My insurance was also aware of my first suspension. So I don’t think I just got “lucky” or they missed it.