I h8 this president

I h8 this president

I h8 this certain president

Since a certain person was elected president of this influential country, I've terrified honestly. My country is a 3rd world country that sadly is influenced by the STUPID decisions that U-S-A administration make, and everything seems horrible.

I hate that stupid dude and all the people that voted for him, the other chick wasn't any good either honestly but at MINIMUM she wouldn't be so fucking stupid. I, at least, want to hate a smart chick that knows that she's doing evil, not a fucking delusional old man that's so fucking stupid and evil that he's going to get his country to the fucking ground through his stupid administration BC WHAT DO U MEAN THE OTHER DELUSIONAL X DUDE IS BASICALLY YOUR FIRST LADY??? I FUCKING HATE HIM, I HATE THAT HIS DUMBASS IS GOING TO AFFECT MY COUNTRY'S POLITICS, I HATE EVERY SINGLE AIRBRAIN PERSON THAT VOTED FOR HIM LIKE???? THE FELON DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ANY PLAN FOR GOVERNMENT ????? LIKE WHY AMERICANS ARE SO FUCKING STUPID I HATE YOUR COLONIALIST ASSES SO MUCH HOLY SHIT


I needed that off my chest lol

Edit 1: Have you ever read a fucking history book? "USA politics won't affect your country" dude USA politics ALWAYS affect the 3rd world countries politics. "You have consumed so much propaganda" bro in my country all the news outlets glaze that stupid man, basically it's jesus for them, I just have more than 2 fucking fingers of forehead to read from different sources, not only the ones that hate him but the ones that love him, and the ones that love him DIDN'T EVEN SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HIS GOVERNMENT PLAN BECAUSE HE DOESNT HAVE ONE. I wish I couldnt care about USA politics believe me, but I have to care because IT DOES AFFECT MY COUNTRY. Y'all live in a bubble and I hope that your decision fucking burns your country to the ground so your stupid ass administrations NEVER affect my country ever again