Being an ugly girl is a death sentece.

I'm ugly(15F), thats how it always was.

Im hairy, my lips are too thin, i have gummy smile, i have small boobs, i am fat, my nose looks like a pig snout, i stink no matter how many baths i take in a day, my skin is red and have pimples - i'm just unnatractive.

Girls in my school laugh at me, take pictures of me without my consent and joke about their friends liking me.

Guys in my school completly ignore me, or insult me. I can't blame them though, every man hates ugly women but it just hurts since i am a hopeless romantic whos every friend have a boyfriend.

Sadly love for ugly people isnt real.

Adults ignore my problems, they say that i will get prettier when i grow up which is a comforting lie.

I wish i was pretty, everything would be so much easier.

Being ugly girl is a death sentece, you can forget about finding love and starting a family, you can even forget about being respected.