I found my BF’s condoms
Idk who else to tell or who I could vent to...
I(28f) was looking for a vape and went looking through my boyfriend's(38m) of 6 years jacket, and found 2 condoms and a packet of blue chews.... we haven't used condoms for at least 5 years as I have an iud.
When I confronted him about it he said they were old and he didn't even remember them being there....
I really don't believe him cause who just has condoms lying around. I checked the date on them, they said exp. 2028 so I have no idea how old they could be.
I'm devastated to say the least. It's like there's a hole in my chest. We've lived together for the last 5 years so our whole lives are intertwined....
Other than this we've had a perfect relationship. We had plans to get engaged soon and eventually have kids. I have nowhere else to stay so I've been sleeping on the couch since I found out.
I'm exhausted of all the "talks" and him just telling me it was nothing, but at the same time idk where else to go....
Thanks for letting me vent xxx