My childhood mistakes with sex and the internet almost ruined me

I (22F) was emotionally neglected and left alone alot as a child. My 12yr old self turned to the internet in search of companionship and love until I stumbled upon some BDSM stuff and sex appeal in general. I stupidly thought that sex = love and I was a lonely child who didn’t feel loved at home. As an underage girl I’ve probably sent over 60 men and woman fully and semi nude photos and videos of myself and sexually video chatted with my online “boyfriends”. I did this for about 3.5years until someone pointed out to me that it was CP. i had no idea. I had no clue what I was doing and what it meant. I just wanted someone to pay attention to me and love me so I turned myself out for exchange of fake love. Sometimes I hate myself for what I did. I feel so gross and dirty. I was desperate and young and yes I was taken advantage of, but I wish I had stopped myself and came to my senses earlier. I hate what I did, but I can’t change it. Now I’m learning to re-love my body and take back my own control, but every now and again I remember the naive child I used to be.

**Edit: typo & grammar