Internet Providers

I’ll keep it short, not meant to be a wah wah my internet is down post. I have a job that requires internet. My building doesn’t have fiber so no Uverse. Xfinity has been unreliable, down for the entire day today so I’m having to go into work. The only other option I found was T-Mobile 5G which I’d expect to be unreliable considering the poor cell service in Oak Park (and it seems slow and expensive in the best of times).

I am probably going to get the non-fiber ATT option (which is also heinously slow AND expensive but probably more reliable) to use as a backup for when Xfinity doesn’t work, but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something or underestimating T-Mobile. Does anyone have any suggestions? Obviously, I’ll move at the end of my term considering my job requirements, and I wish I’d done some research instead of taking the leasing agent’s word for it. Anyone happen to know of any buildings that would be a good choice?