Weekend progress

Last weekend, we finished putting up the framework, or scenic base if you will, for our space known as Tunnel Hill: https://www.reddit.com/r/nscalemodeltrains/s/oF3AW6uYZ0

This weekend, we went straight into plaster.

My wife and I joke a lot lately as we have seen a lot of advertisements for rail snow removal equipment. Now, I have no desire to portray winter, nor do I relish the thought of living in a place that would necessitate the usage of a snow plow.

However, with all of this plaster making our world look snow capped, maybe we need to start thinking about snow plows!

Our initial plan was really to finish all the plaster all the way around and then come back and start adding color.

We've got a couple things coming up they're going to slow down progress for another little bit, but looks like we're about a third of the way around our layout with plaster. However, that third probably comprises about half of our plaster needs. If we missed calculated that, we're going to have to buy more plaster cloth!