What if consciousness is just our unconscious mind?

I heard Ekhart Tolle saying that you can feel a sense of being even without thinking. That's true, but how can one say it's consciousness instead of simply the unconscious mind?

The unconscious mind doesn't need to be conscious by definition so it doesn't think consciously (you'll never "hear" what it's saying to you) but it does think, every time.

Technically if you could let operate your unconscious mind all the time, you'd be full of inspiration, meaning you would speak without realising youn're thinking etc.

But the unconscious mind is not one, you have one and I have one. They are different, yet the conscious mind can think they are the same, because it can't access it. So all you can feel when you approach it is peace, calmness.

So, how to be sure we are not fooled by the belief that we are a consciousness while we are simply individuals feeling, viewing there unconscious mind?

Edit: the fact that "awakened" people can walk, talk etc. without thinking can thus be seen as simply an illusion: they are actually thinking, they just let their unconscious mind (that is not in this case God, Life or whatever) "take the control" (that it already takes anyway) of all. If you can prove me wrong, i'll definitely be a nondualist. Otherwise, I don't understand why your belief that it's a shared consciousness behind all, not an individual unconscious, would be true while mine wrong. Both seem to be a belief that can't be proved, and one simply choose between one or the other. It's 50/50 (at least from what i know for now), except that unconscious mind does exist for science, not supreme consciousness.