Nokotan trivia: 'Koshi' in Koshitan is the same as Torako
In Japanese, 'tiger'(虎) can both be 'ko' and 'tora', while 'girl'(子) both 'shi' and 'ko', so 'tiger girl'(虎子) both 'koshi' and 'torako'. That's because Japanese learnt a lot from China, and koshi is more close to Chinese pronunciation while torako more close to native pronunciation. Then we come to the conclusion that 'Koshitan' is the same as 'Torakotan' and Koshitan can be called Koshi Koshi.
In Japanese, 'tiger'(虎) can both be 'ko' and 'tora', while 'girl'(子) both 'shi' and 'ko', so 'tiger girl'(虎子) both 'koshi' and 'torako'. That's because Japanese learnt a lot from China, and koshi is more close to Chinese pronunciation while torako more close to native pronunciation. Then we come to the conclusion that 'Koshitan' is the same as 'Torakotan' and Koshitan can be called Koshi Koshi.