has any dumpee ever reached out to their ex after 6+ months of NC? how did it go

My story is that he(36m) broke up with me(25f) over 6 months ago and never looked back. It was a bad breakup but i still never thought we’d never talk again. He used to watch my stories from his business account for the first few months although we didn’t follow each other anymore. But it’s been 2 months he stopped watching and I know he moved on but i have been wanting to talk to him so bad. It was a bad break up so i know reaching out wouldn’t fix shit but i just want to hear his voice and want to know how he is. although i’m scared that he’d act indifferent and i don’t think i would be able to take that. the last time i talked to him months ago, he acted so indifferent and it crushed me but i do feel a lot of time has gone by so he might not act that way again. idk i’m just spiralling. Has anyone ever reached out to their dumper after a bad breakup? how did they act?