Speculation on how NG4 plays out

I think we're getting essentially 2 games in one. Metal Gear Rising Vengeance in the new Shinobu but NG1 Black in Ryu. Just looking at the two gameplay styles they're almost like they're different games. Where the new kid is all about multi-hit kills and sitting up instant one shots. Ryu in his gameplay reminded me more of what he was like in the original. His levels appeared darker. He fought enemies a bit more 1v1 than the new kid. The OG wall jumping. Combat is slower but looks more intense. I'm hoping that with them naming the Remaster Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, this is foreshadow to Team Ninja taking Ryu to his roots in NG1 while juxtaposing him to the new kid where his levels are quite flashy. I also hope there's post game activities for either character.