Using random people’s bins - settle an argument

I need help to settle an argument my wife and I have been having.

When we’re out and I have rubbish (like an empty can, or ice cream wrapper) I’ll quite casually put it in any random houses bins if they’re already out on the street or in the front of their section. I don’t walk onto properties or otherwise interfere I’m basically Larry David in this scene

I think this is no big deal and perfectly rational. My wife thinks the opposite (moderate understatement there).

I’ve stopped doing it but to be honest want to do it again. Anyone up for giving me moral support?

Edit 9:50pm Pretty overwhelmed with how much of a hot topic this is. I’m taking the moral victory but in the interests of a happy life I probably will only do it when I’m alone from now on

To be clear, I’m only dropping small bits of rubbish, I would carry it home or to a bin otherwise (wouldn’t just drop on the ground) and dog poop is nasty