How are your babies sleeping 5-7 hours a night?????

My son is a week old and I'm so sick of seeing parents on here talk about their newborns sleeping for long stretches at night.

We have a next to me cot and a moses basket, both of which my son won't settle in. He will only sleep long stretches during the day and that's only when he's sleeping on someone's chest.

I'm awake from 1am until 9am breastfeeding as he's constantly fussy for food and then when I try and place him down anywhere, he wakes up and fusses more until he's sleeping in my arms.

How are all these people getting their babies asleep for more than a few hours? Is it age?

I've tried swaddling, he doesnt like it.

I've moved his basket from the bedroom downstairs so I can place him in there during his day sleeps and he sleeps fine in there. But during the night, he hates it.