Inspiration from free donuts
Okay so this might sound silly but yes, I was finally able to manifest free donuts! It was back in MAY (yes May) that I put down “free donuts” in my daily manifestation journal. But May and June passed and the closest I got was seeing “DONUTS” on a delivery menu. I wanted the actual thing and I wanted them for free.
Come July I was seriously questioning if I had blocks against donuts because it had not shown up yet. I’m usually able to manifest the small things by just writing them down and impressing a scene once or twice, this was taking MONTHS.
Come August, I was still writing it down and doing little impresses for them, but still I only received them in the form of words on a menu. I wanted to scratch it off my list but something in me said that I didn’t want to give up and that I CAN have anything that I want. So everytime ai’d receive just the words, I’d say “thanks, but I want my real manifestation of real donuts”. Last week I spoke to my friend about the concept of a manifestation journal and mentioned the donuts as one of my examples of things that I write there. She was amazed and decided to create on for herself. AND THEN, she said “hey, I can make your free donuts happen for you! What donuts would you like?” I said “Surprise me, whatever you choose is fine with me” but really I was thinking of Krispy Kreme. And she sent a dozen donuts..Krispy Kreme donuts.
This may sound silly but yesterday I had a kind of breakdown. I was feeling all sorts of things yesterday about my SP and all sorts of fears that I must’ve spent half the day crying and having a human moment. What got me out of the slump were these donuts. Knowing that even when the universe was seemingly showing me crumbs, I still went for the real thing that I wanted. I kept persisting and kept listing it down daily, not knowing when I’d get it, and feeling all sorts of things about why it wasn’t happening — and even wondering what my issue was about receiving free donuts lol..but it still happened! So I hope that this proves to be inspiration for others as well. Persist. :)