Is my Neurodiversity the reason my coworkers are bullying me?

I, female, was diagnosed with ADHD almost ten years ago. I work in a setting that is very focused with working with kids 5-10yo with diversities of many kinds. I have a coworker who I have had problems with in the past and just wrote it off as we have different personalities so we clash when we have to put ideas together. Over the last two and half months things have increased. Now my supervisor seems to be in on the dislike for me. The two of them making faces at each other anytime I talk and so on. For the last month I have felt like someone is out to get me. Directly targeting me with judgements, comments and even reports to higher officials. I found out through another employee that they actively try to get people on their side in talking negatively about me when I am not around. I have also been trying to figure out what happened to make them turn on me. I have a meeting with my boss in a little under 12 hours and I am stressed out of my mind. What if she doesn't understand that I think the problems and things stimming from my ADHD tendencies and I can't always control it. Everyone else seems to get more leniency that I do when it comes to things that happen in our jobs. I want to quit but I need the money from the job to keep the roof over mine and my kid's heads, but I'm also tired of being miserable, (what I feel is) mistreated, and crying every week because I don't want to be here anymore like this.

Other things to add. I do have another job that I was told would have an opening in January. I am part of a 6 member team, 4 of which are part of the issues stated above. I have talked to the boss a few weeks ago when she came to me telling me she was told I was being rude to my coworkers, getting frustrated with clients, and that I was acting in roles outside of my authority aka trying to control my same position coworkers. (All of which confused me). At the time I just nodded my head and said that I would work on it but honestly I was given no examples so I literally don't know what and when to work on.

I'm about to just blow up on all of them and walk out if that tells you where I am with this mentality.