How many of you don't track your workouts?

By tracking, I mean not writing down exercises, sets, reps, weights, etc. and trying to "beat the logbook" every workout.

I ask because I was watching some Clarence Kennedy videos where he mentions that he hasn't tracked for most of his weight lifting career and he thinks tracking is kind of overrated.

Obviously there are quite a few pros who don't really track either. For example, John Meadows said he doesn't think tracking is necessary for advanced trainees.

This reminds me of Dan John's concept of "bus bench workouts" and "park bench workouts" - the idea being that when you're sitting on a bus bench you're "going somewhere" and when you're sitting on a park bench you're "enjoying yourself" - and that most of our workouts should be "park bench workouts" where we're enjoying ourselves, instead of tracking and pushing, and a minority only should be "bus bench workouts" with a specific goal in mind.

As a guy who has always tracked - I mean, 15 years ago when I started lifting, I started with Starting Strength, then I tried HIT and later Heavy Duty, then I moved onto 5/3/1 - all of the programs I tried were hyperfocused on tracking. That mentality has stayed with me and I've always done structured trainings and tracked my lifts. So this whole non-tracking approach just seems foreign to me.


I'm curious to read how many of you DON'T track and have experienced good results. Or how many of you have gone in-between periods of tracking and not tracking, and what your experiences were like.