Ayla- Pronunciation and middle name
We are really loving Ayla (EYE-la) but are worried that we are setting her up to have to correct her name throughout her life. This name is rising in popularity so maybe that wouldn't be the case but there seems to be a lot of debate in the eye-la/a-la pronunciation. Curious of peoples thoughts.
We were thinking a P middle name and right now leaning towards Ayla Piper
Other Ideas:
Ayla Pearl
Ayla Paige
Ayla Penelope
Thoughts? We are based in the East Coast USA if that makes any different in pronunciation
Edit: Thanks for all the feedback. We are still considering Ayla but have expanded our search based on peoples comments. For more context, We need to use an A name to honor my Husbands father so Isla is not on the table for us. As a jewish couple we wanted to find a name that would honor our culture with the eye-la pronunciation even though a-la is the more popular/main american pronunciation