Name your college students!
You are a college professor with 10 students in your small college class! Name them by filling out the initials of each student. They all have a first, middle, and last name. You can choose the genders. I’ll do my class first as an example. I did a wheel picker to determine the initials for fun! Feel free to do the same.
Student 1- OLE = Oliver Lee Evans
Student 2- PZO = Paige Zoey O’Brien
Student 3- CQJ = Carson Quade Jacobi
Student 4- VON- Violet Olivia Nicholson
Student 5- KRI- Kellen Reid Isaacs
Student 6- VEW- Vanessa Eve Wilson
Student 7- FHI- Frank Henry Irvine
Student 8- GPZ- Gabriella Peal Zimmer
Student 9- RFJ- Ryan Frederick James
Student 10- ANG- Anna Naomi Grey