Name Theme Game [Round 2!]

*These 10 families have all chosen names with specific themes, but they wont tell anyone the theme. You have two goals — find the theme and suggest a name for a subsequent kid based on the theme guessed [or multiple for a real challenge]. Since we are all from different places and know different things, there will be at least two answers for each clue, a more generic one and a more specific theme. Theres no rule against Googling clues, though you can look at my names in the comments for hints before doing so.

So, Ill comment on each name theme a number based solely on the guessed theme. 0s are non-guesses. 1s are the general theme. 2s are the specific theme I had in mind. 3s are a specific theme I did not think of. Though I did put the answers in the comments somewhere already, the actual answers will be added to the post in a week.

Good luck and Id love to know how you liked this game!*

  1. Family One: Geode, Granite, Garnet
  2. Family Two: Fila, Nike, Puma and Hoka
  3. Family Three: Amy, Tina, Adele, Etta
  4. Family Four: Jack, Jeffrey, John, Ted
  5. Family Five: British, Irish, Caspian, Corinthian, Somali
  6. Family Six: Styx, Lethe, Tees, Gihon
  7. Family Seven: Cashmir, Crimea, Corea
  8. Family Eight: Philemon, Samuel, Timothy and Titus, Ruth
  9. Family Nine: Abbigail and Annabelle, Braxton and Brandon, Cillas and Chris, Dewey and Devin
  10. Family Ten: Peityn, Bodhi, Terins, Audleigh