Concentration Game #1

The game of Concentration forces you to concentrate! I will ask 8 oddly specific questions. Your job is to not only find the answer but keep your answers unique and not repeat your answers if you play a series of Concentration games AND if multiple people play. I cant make this a blind game, so look in the comments before posting! Repeats or skips mean your points stop at that number! I'll add names as well in the comments and keep a running list of name questions [which also should not be repeated—maybe players get a free point if they are 🤔]

A more apt point system will be worked out later, but for now, there is 8 points available in this game, one for each question. You can use whatever resources you'd like, from baby books to the little light box youre holding right now. A point is earned when you find a name that no one else has said that fits the criteria. No point is rewarded if the name does not fit the criteria or repeats a name someone else said. Skipping a name or repeating a name in your list leads to the points no longer being tallied after that number. Hope that makes sense but Im happy ti change/clarify anything. Let's begin! :)


  1. A name ending in C

  2. A female name of English origin

  3. A top 100 name from any country thats shared by a celebrity (name the celebrity, who also must not be repeated)

  4. A common unisex middle name

  5. An old, archaic name

  6. A name from the Chronicles in the Bible

  7. Your least favorite short name

  8. Your go-to name in an example